An Intervention Facility For At Risk Children

Building a Civilization Through Leadership, Inspiration and Passion

About The Institute

The Benedict Institute of Learning is currently an after-school program that caters for students in primary and secondary school, as well as adults who wish to pursue a C.S.E.C. certificate. It offers full curricula in various C.S.E.C. subjects, as well as S.E.A. preparatory classes for students in standards 3 and up. The program is one of a comprehensive nature and utilizes various learning modalities, including up-to-date classroom technology. Learning is a ubiquitous experience, as students have access to lecture notes, illustrations, video and audio resources through the school's webpage. To ensure accountability and transparency, students are tested on a monthly basis in all disciplines; examinations are graded, and report cards are distributed. Parent-teacher conferences are also facilitated during the academic term. The school caters for the highly zealous to those who are "struggling" academically. It is the institute's primary objective to inspire the young mind so that learning becomes a natural and gratifying process.

Accelerated Programs


Examination Season

The months of April and May are one of the busiest times for both the S.E.A. and C.S.E.C. Programs. In 2017, the institute was opened for seven weeks consecutively, without a single day off. This encompassed seven consecutive Sundays, and late evening/night sessions to thoroughly cover all topics relevant to the disciplines offered at the institute. The school executed over 70 hours of tuition free classes so that all students, especially the academically uninclined, could be pushed across the finish line. The institute prides itself on "always doing more, and never doing less" so that a definitive line is drawn between the business entity and its mission.

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